About Us

In April 2013, I arrived in Milwaukie, Oregon after spending 3.5 years on the mission field in Northern Baja Mexico. Soon I discovered God's purpose in bringing me to Oregon...the homeless community.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

We Are Here! We Are Here!

Wow! I can hardly believe it but our dream is coming true! I am typing this while on the campus of Door of Faith Orphange.

Before we left my Mom's in La Mirada this morning, I had the pleasure of seeing Mr. and Mrs. Hengler. Mr. Hengler had been my high school Spanish teacher and he and his wife and been my neighbors while growing up in La Mirada. I had to see them to thank them for their influence in my life as a child and young adult. When I was a child I collected food with his daughter Laura for an orphanage in Mexico. The Hengler family would then take all the food they collected and would take it to an orphanage in Mexico. Recently, I discovered that the food I had collected with my friend Laura had been taken to Door of Faith Orphanage. Once again I was reminded that we often forget how our influence in the life of a child can change an attitude, perception or world view forever. Even then, though I didn't know it at the time, I was learning that we are blessed to bless others.

We left my my Mom's around 9am. Our van was packed so full that I couldn't see out the back. We arrived at the orphanage about 1pm. Cruise control almost the entire way to the boarder. Crossing over was a breeze and everyone is adjusting fine.

We already had our first visitors to our new place; Hector, Maribelle and their two kids Nadine and Jr. It's always great to see more family. The boys went on a small hike up to "the cross". They took our dogs. When they returned, Suzie, our small dog came home with some large thorns in her paw. We were so grateful for Nadine. She quickly pulled them out while Suzie was in much pain. In just moments Suzie was fine and we so appreciate Nadie coming to our dogs rescue. It makes the transition a little easier when you have some visit.

We had tomales tonight. What a treat! some of the kids were away off campus swimming so it wasn't a full house. I think that's why those of us that remained had tomales. Anyway, when I bit into my tomale I thought it had chicken with carrots and greenbeans. Surpise! It was chicken, carrots and jalipenos! Muy caliente!

Looking forward to church services with our new church family while we're here. It's great to meet more brothers and sisters we never new we had!

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