About Us

In April 2013, I arrived in Milwaukie, Oregon after spending 3.5 years on the mission field in Northern Baja Mexico. Soon I discovered God's purpose in bringing me to Oregon...the homeless community.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

God's Love is Extravagant!

Today, I witnessed the most beautiful thing. I saw God's love poured out on the kids from the orphanage in a way I never could have imagined. An individual that loves God and has been blessed financially through over 100 kids a huge beach party just because he could. It wasn't a special day to celebrate. It wasn't earned for good behavior. It wasn't to win them over. It was solely for the purpose of enjoying kids being happy.

We had horse back riding, quads, and para airplane rides over the beach. The resort on the beach had a jump house, jousting, and two types of water slides. Then there were the two pools and hot tub available and tennis. There was soda, popcorn, pizza, popcorn,candy, and chips to eat. All of this was provided just because someone gets a kick out of being generous. Then, if that wasn't enough, the evening ended with a fireworks presentation. It was great to hear the kids yell out "por DJ, por Mexico" or "por mi" as the fireworks shot up in the sky.

As I took in all this generousity, all I could think about was how some would think it was foolish to spend money that way. So many other good things could have come from the amount of money that had to have been spent today. Yet, I couldn't get passed the thought that Jesus may have done the very same thing if the occasion was for kids. What I saw today was priceless. It's just like the Lord to take a hard situation, like being placed in an oprhanage and turn it all around and allow these kids to experience fun and laughter with seemingly no limits.

It challenges me as a parent to bless my kids with something or someplace and say to them "Just because I love you." I tell my kids all the time that they can't earn God's love or blessing, and yet how often do I do something just out of love and not them having to earn it. The Bible is clear that God does not treat us as our sins make us deserve. I am so thankful that God loves me just because He wants to; nothing more and nothing less.

Monday, September 28, 2009

The Passing of Our Good Friend Buddy

It's been a difficult few days. Last Friday as we were visiting with the team from GVCC, I was called outside to find our dear Buddy (David's dog of 8 years) lying on the ground not able to move. He had been chained in the front of our house and a truck drove over his chain and apparently pulled so hard that his neck was fractured in two places.

DJ offered the services of a vet in Rosarito, so we drove him there through much fog and winding roads. The vet gave Buddy some pain killers and a tranquilizer. We had to bring him back the next day for xrays. After we saw clearly how badly he was hurt and the pain he was in we knew he had to be put down. Needless to say, Saturday was one of the hardest days we've had as a family in a long time.

Saturday, David didn't do much visiting with our GVCC Family. He was too sad. But our friends did pray for him before we left for the vet and he did want to see the guys from Green Valley just after we returned with the sad news. As a Mom, I was so grateful to have the guys from church available for David. Again I was reminded that God is never surprised or caught off guard. He knew we would need our church family to get us through a very difficult time.

On Sunday, we all went to church services in a small church in Ensenda. It was so far out that I was surprised to see the people attending. Most of them had to walk to get there. When I arrived, my GVCC family was pointing at me and saying something to the pastor about me. The next thing I knew I was being asked to play the keyboard for their service. I was delighted to help out. Brian DeCamp joined me on guitar. It seemed that by the time the service was over, Brian and I had not only served to accompany the worship leader, but we had become an illustration for the pastor's sermon. He talked how every week he comes and sees the keyboard, the guitar, the bass and the drums sitting on the platform with no one to play them. He challenged the congregation to service with the gifts God had given them and talked about the gift of service. While I was sitting in the service all I could think about was how God never wastes anything. The songs that we played I had learned the words to either when I was a little girl or in our KSA at church when it had a Spanish theme. God is so good.

Today, our friends from church left. It was hard to see them go, but I'm so confident that I will keep seeing them throughout are stay here that it made it a little easier. Never have I had friends before that are so given over to serve. It is amazing. They smile and laugh as they work themselves close to exhaustion. Their strength so clearly comes from the joy of knowing Jesus. Even with all the hard physical work they did at Casa de Maria they came bringing gifts of things I needed so much. They even painted my bedroom and fixed my shower faucet!

Yes, GVCC has a way about them that makes people scratch their head and say "What is with these people, that they keep giving and serving. And why are they so happy about it anyhow? What's up with that?" I am look forward to hearing the good things that are still to come from their example of what it means to love God with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your STRENGTH.

What a diverse weekend. What an amazing God we serve.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Learning the "Ins and Outs" of Running Errands

Today I tagged along with Lynette and Lauren as we ran errands in Mexico as well as in the states. Learned a lot about the rules of the road including those primarily for Americans. I also learned that there are places I need to stop even when the stop sign has been missing for years.

We went to a few post offices to pick up mail, shopping at Target and Costco. We purchased personal items as well as items for the orphanage. The primary reason however, was to pick up one of the orphanage vans that had been repaired.

I learned that you need to divide up the things that you purchase because of how much is allowed per driver. Even if you're bringing things for children in an orphanage you still have to do things a certain way. Orphanages are no exception.

I learned that 15 passenger vans are almost always automatically pulled over to be checked out. I learned that pray is the way to handle every situation that arises.

My friends from church came down for the weekend to do work at Casa de Maria. I've only been here about a week , but it's great to see them.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Breakfast Anyone?

This morning I got up at 4:30am (for those of you who know me well, I have to be pretty excited about something to get up that early). At 5am I was off to Tijuana to help serve breakfast to about 82 children. These precious kids live in shacks on top of what used to be a dump. They come to the church dressed in their uniforms that they are required to have or they can't go to school. They well mannered and appreciative. Some bring their baby siblings and make sure that they have breakfast and some families even come. Nothing is required of them. It's just encouragement to keep in school and to let them know that God sees them and cares deeply for them.

I learned today it takes about $50 a day to feed all of these kids. Today they had milk, beans, corn tortillas, and eggs with hotdogs. I'm told they couldn't serve them breakfast for about 2 weeks because there was no money coming in to support the purchase of food. It's not for a lack of help, it's only a lack of funds.

I also spent part of the day teaching some rhythm to the children. The biggest turn out for participation is about age 5 - 8. It's a lot of fun. They call me Maestra (teacher) or Miga (short for Amiga). It's hard to get them to stop chanting my name so I can teach them. Surprisingly, some of the most active boys can be attentive when they are involved with music.

In my devotions today, I found it interesting how God continues to get me to try and focus on what His will is for me in the moment. I leave you with this quote from my favorite author "Oswald Chambers". "the goal of the missionary is to do God's will, not to be useful or to win the lost. a missionary is useful and he does win the lost, but that is not his goal. His goal is to do the will of his Lord."

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Brother Can You Spare a Gift Card?

Yesterday hung out with Lauren and Jarilyn (our new neighbors). They took me out on the town to a Farmer's Market/ Flea Market. Picked up some fresh fruit and veggies. Then it was off to Walmart to see how they shop for the Orphanage. I was able to pick up a few things for our home. Funny going to a store looking for items when everything's in Spanish. I had great appreciation for name brands that I recognized to help me find what I was looking for.

The trip there was interesting. Beware of people making left turns from the far right lane! Saw some horses being used for transportation.

Later we discovered that the chickens here are "muy grande". When they go up in a tree they just might bring the tree down if enough of them get up there. Goats were also in on the fun. They decided that the thatched roof of the chicken house looked good enough to eat. Unfortunately, the roof wasn't strong enough to hold the goats. You can picture the rest.

Finished stuffing envelopes for outgoing mail last night. The boys were a big help. It reminded me to be thankful as we stuffed envelopes for people that support the orphanage. It also reminded me that Costco and Walmart gift cards are great gifts to send to the orphanage. Next time you're at either place why not send a gift card? They really go a long ways here. Every bit helps.

Door of Faith Orphanage
PO Box 6434
Chula Vista Ca 91909

This is also were you can write to the boys and me.

Heard we're getting a couple of babies sometime today. Please pray for the children here. They've endured more than most of us would ever imagine. With God's love being shown to them they are being changed forever!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

First Sunday with our New "Familia de Iglesia"

Went to our first all Spanish church service. Usually there will probably be an interpreter for Spanish when DJ is speaking, but today the Spanish speaking Pastor spoke. Lynette kindly sat beside me and interpreted.

The Bible verses were projected on a screen in Spanish and fortunately my friend Helen Mangan gave me a Bilingual Bible as a gift for our adventure. Sure was nice to have this morning. The songs were also on the screen in Spanish. I recognized a few of the choruses from my home church in Watsonville. That was nice also.

I am so grateful for the Holy Spirit. His presence can be know no matter what language is being spoken or sung.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

We Are Here! We Are Here!

Wow! I can hardly believe it but our dream is coming true! I am typing this while on the campus of Door of Faith Orphange.

Before we left my Mom's in La Mirada this morning, I had the pleasure of seeing Mr. and Mrs. Hengler. Mr. Hengler had been my high school Spanish teacher and he and his wife and been my neighbors while growing up in La Mirada. I had to see them to thank them for their influence in my life as a child and young adult. When I was a child I collected food with his daughter Laura for an orphanage in Mexico. The Hengler family would then take all the food they collected and would take it to an orphanage in Mexico. Recently, I discovered that the food I had collected with my friend Laura had been taken to Door of Faith Orphanage. Once again I was reminded that we often forget how our influence in the life of a child can change an attitude, perception or world view forever. Even then, though I didn't know it at the time, I was learning that we are blessed to bless others.

We left my my Mom's around 9am. Our van was packed so full that I couldn't see out the back. We arrived at the orphanage about 1pm. Cruise control almost the entire way to the boarder. Crossing over was a breeze and everyone is adjusting fine.

We already had our first visitors to our new place; Hector, Maribelle and their two kids Nadine and Jr. It's always great to see more family. The boys went on a small hike up to "the cross". They took our dogs. When they returned, Suzie, our small dog came home with some large thorns in her paw. We were so grateful for Nadine. She quickly pulled them out while Suzie was in much pain. In just moments Suzie was fine and we so appreciate Nadie coming to our dogs rescue. It makes the transition a little easier when you have some visit.

We had tomales tonight. What a treat! some of the kids were away off campus swimming so it wasn't a full house. I think that's why those of us that remained had tomales. Anyway, when I bit into my tomale I thought it had chicken with carrots and greenbeans. Surpise! It was chicken, carrots and jalipenos! Muy caliente!

Looking forward to church services with our new church family while we're here. It's great to meet more brothers and sisters we never new we had!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

In Transition

We arrived in La Mirada, Ca. yesterday courtesy of Enterprise. (We rented a van.) Working on the tuning up the next van God provided through my brother. (Changed oil, filters, windshield wipers and checked tires.) Transformed the appearance of the new vehicle. (Had the van washed and cleaned up on the inside.)

Homeschooling has been difficult. It is in the 80's and 90's here with very little breeze. Also still working on getting my netbook running. I'm not able to get on the internet yet. All in time.

Lord willing, we will leave for Door of Faith Saturday morning!

Monday, September 14, 2009

It's Really Going to Happen!

What a busy day of prep. Still learning to trust God in every detail. Still need Dog license tags to come in, dog exam tomorrow, rent a van to get to the next one God has miraculously provided and who knows what else. It's all good. It's just a lot of good:)

Getting Mexico insurance for next vehicle, packing for a year, gathering email addresses and trying to find out who has AT&T cell phone service amongst all my Verizon friends.

All knew endeavors, all coming together in the LORD's timing. Got to remember that.

"For I know the plans I have for you...."

Saturday, September 12, 2009

What It Means to Be Blessed

Today as I looked through my Bible I found a communication card that I never turned to the ushers on Sunday. I'm pretty good at forgetting to turn the cards in, but many times they stay in my Bible with something written that was on my heart that day.

As we draw closer to the day we actually leave for Door of Faith Orphanage, I would like to leave you with my thoughts that I jotted down on my communication card dated March 28, 2009.

"I am blessed; not because I have a nice house, a car, or even my health. I am not blessed because I have a job. I am blessed because I've heard the gospel freely, easily and at a young age so I could have the joy of knowing Jesus most of my life."

"And I pray that you, being rooted together with all the saints, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge--that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God." Ephesians 3:17-19

Let's never take for granted the blessing of hearing the good news.

Blessed....to bless others.

Great, looking forward to having you all get down and settled in. (I have a list of projects for you...)
The challenges you've been facing are normal - everyone who steps out for God goes through attacks, everyone here has their own stories - we need to remember that we've already won. What we do here matters, we're being use to touch lives in ways we don't know - it's worth it.


Friday, September 11, 2009

Discipling Your Children for Missions

"I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you. I tell you the truth, no servant is greater than his master, nor is a messenger greater than the one who sent him. Now that you know these things, you will be blessed if you do them." John 13:15-17

Usually, when thinking of this verse, I remember the humble act of Jesus washing the disciples feet. Today I am struck by the thought of the example to His disciples by deed and not by words alone. Knowing that my kids are my disciples, makes me choose how I serve, how I respond to others (when being treated like a servant) and to take initiative to serve. Am I showing them how to serve or telling how they should serve?

Growing up in a family where Christ was at the center, I can give many examples of my parents serving others and can think of none of being told to serve others. From giving of their time and money to gathering the family to drop everything to join together in prayer for a phoned in prayer request; my mind is flooded with countless examples of service.

My hope and prayer as we prepare to go to Door of Faith Orphanage is that my kids will someday go on mission with their families. I hope that I can leave them the legacy that my parents have left me. "Follow me as I follow Christ."

Perhaps the saying "Actions speak louder than words." originated with Jesus washing His disciples feet.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Yes, We're Still in the States

We had planned to be at Door of Faith Orphanage by now, however God had other plans. Tyler came down with the Chicken Pox last week, so we are postponed until next week when he will be ready to travel. God is definitely ordering ordering our steps. "In his heart a man plans his course, but the LORD determines his steps." Proverbs 16:9

It exciting to watch God take care of every detail as we prepare to leave on our adventure.

Just made my first blog! Hoping to leave for Mexico next week.