About Us

In April 2013, I arrived in Milwaukie, Oregon after spending 3.5 years on the mission field in Northern Baja Mexico. Soon I discovered God's purpose in bringing me to Oregon...the homeless community.

Friday, February 21, 2014

So, you're probably thinking that there's someone missing in this picture. David is living in Anaheim, Ca. and Ty is with me in our new home, in Milwaukie, Oregon. Ty's going to school at Rex Putnam High School while I have been volunteering the last 8 months at The Father's Heart Street Ministry.

While I miss David like crazy, I am proud of his work ethic and resourcefulness. He has jumped in to the "adult" world with both feet, working many long days and of course visiting friends in Mexico....well, let's just say..."often".

Ty is still and always has been "Mr. Friendly".  He makes friends easily and I'm grateful for that.  He also is showing more and more interest with working will young children.  Some have even called him "the child whisperer" because he has this ability to get little kids not only to listen to him, but he's like a "kid magnet" wherever we go.  His gentleness and patience with kids is amazing and I'm excited to see what God has for him as he approaches adulthood.

I've been volunteering at a wonderful ministry called The Father's Heart Street Ministry since last June.  When we came to Oregon last April, I was pretty clear on the reasons for my sons coming here, but very unsure why God brought me here.  All my long term plans to stay in Mexico seem to come to a halt that I never anticipated.  I struggled emotionally with the move.  My friends in Mexico are very dear to my heart. I didn't want to leave, but I knew that it was what God was directing me to do.  

It wasn't the first time that I had to trust that God was leading and in time, His plans for me would be revealed.  God got my attention shortly after arriving in Oregon.  I injured my back, which prohibited me from going straight into the job market and brought me to the day shelter called The Father's Heart Street Ministry. Being in Mexico taught me a lot about stepping out in faith and watching God provide for me. I have continued to volunteer at the shelter for 8 months now and I couldn't be any more sure of God calling me there.  

God Sees Me
My heart for the poor, the lost and forgotten have been touched through this shelter time and time again.  It has enabled me to work with the very people God has called me to reach with His love.  I am so grateful for the direction of the Holy Spirit and almost every day I feel the pleasure of God's love working through me to touch lives with His love. I am so blessed to be allowed to serve in this shelter, to work with the incredible volunteers, to be able to pray with the hurting and offer them hope and love. 

As I continue in this new adventure of faith in Oregon, I ask that you pray for me and my family.  Recently, I re-injured my back. So, I need my back to be strengthened. I am also praying and looking for a means of income soon.  I'm open to working from home online if I can find a way not to get caught up in a scam.  Or, if my back heals soon, I would like to pursue employment in the evenings in the service industry. I'm looking for something that will work around my volunteer position. God has always taken care of me and I have no doubt He will continue to do so.  Would you pray that I would be sensitive the Holy Spirit's leading in what God has for me in the area of employment?  

Until He comes!


1 comment:

  1. Hello! We are helping kids deprived of parental affection and love in Ukraine. If you wish to join us, here is our site https://hopenowusa.org/pages/donate
