About Us

In April 2013, I arrived in Milwaukie, Oregon after spending 3.5 years on the mission field in Northern Baja Mexico. Soon I discovered God's purpose in bringing me to Oregon...the homeless community.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Bible Institute

I have a wonderful opportunity starting at the beginning of October. I plan to study the Bible through a Bible Institute that will be held at Casa de Maria Skills Center. I can think of no better life skill for anyone than to be able to gain better understanding of God's word. So, hear I go into a new adventure in Mexico. Oh, one small catch....It's going to be taught in Spanish. Please pray for me. I will have an interpreter, but it's not quite the same.

Another possible opportunity that is coming my way is to reach a community about 40 minutes south of the orphanage with the gospel. My good friend Lynette and I had a friend lead us to this community that he had been to before to do various outreaches.

It was a lot for me to take in while traveling to this community. God had recently blessed me with another vehicle that is all wheel drive and higher up so that I was able to drive the seemingly endless dirt road to our destination. I felt like I was going to a place that no one had ever been to before. I knew that wasn't true because of the tire tracks I saw on the dirt road in front of me, but I never saw any cars on the road.

When we finally arrived at the community, our friend took us to the local church. The church was about the size of my master bedroom in the states. It has hand made posters on the walls saying in the Spanish that God loved children and that they were precious to Him. In the front corner, there was an old dirty chair, I presumed for the Pastor to sit. About the chair in English was a plaque in English that said "Praise Jesus".

When I looked over the community, it was extremely quite with really no signs of occupancy. I was told that most were far away working the fields. It was strange still. I missed seeing children playing outside. I saw no one. My guess was that they were probably out in the fields working with their parents.

I asked my friend how he had gathered people for past outreaches,. He told me that first they tell the local pastor that they're coming. When they arrive, someone on their team honks his horn as he drives through town, to tell everyone to head to the church. When enough people arrive, they divide them into groups of adults, youth and children. Each gets a "to the point" message of the gospel and then following the little service is a time for a meal, a bag of food to take home.

I'm praying on how we can get involved. Please pray for us as we seek God's direction.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

One Year Down

"Where has the time gone?" seems the appropriate question to start with. It's hard to believe that in just a few days a year has gone by. As a family, we find ourselves content because of God's goodness to us this past year.

With the addition of little Jesus as well as David's most recent dog and yes a horse, we are becoming more and more settled in Mexico. It has become home and the many visits from church family have made it easier to transition. It has become apparent to me that my oldest son David has little to no desire to return to the states with the exception of running errands to the states with his "compadre" Julian. Tyler, my youngest, seems to enjoy the benefits of living here, but reserves the right to return to live in the states. All in all, it seems that God continues to bless here beyond our wildest dreams.

It is with great anticipation that I look forward to this next year serving here at Door of Faith. I've learned much of God's faithfulness in provision and encouragement here. I still hold to the belief that if you simple make yourself available to God's purposes, He takes care of all the details. I've seen it over and over again in this past year. I'm learning to trust Him in even greater ways the longer we are here. For this, I am so very thankful.