About Us

In April 2013, I arrived in Milwaukie, Oregon after spending 3.5 years on the mission field in Northern Baja Mexico. Soon I discovered God's purpose in bringing me to Oregon...the homeless community.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Times are Changing

Many changes happening in our family.  Good changes, yet the list seems long and hard to prioritize.  Some of you may know that we recently sold our house in Wastonville....in just 4 and a half weeks of being on the market.  Amazing!  Of course, with a move, there comes the packing and relocating.  

Ty and I were up in Watsonville to pack and sell everything we couldn't sell.  Another amazing story during our week in Watsonville.  We sold almost all of our large items, i.e. furniture and appliances, even before we had our yard sale.  Our yard sale went well, but in the end, it seemed like we were being given many opportunities to tell people that we were moving to serve in Mexico long term.  I even saw Tyler speaking Spanish to some of our buyers that weren't able to speak English.  I was truly blessed to see this.

During the two weeks Ty and I were in Watsonville closing things up, David remained in Mexico.  No surprise there.  David loves Mexico so much it's hard to bring him into the states.  However, it wasn't just David's love for Mexico that kept him back.  He started a trade school in Ensenada to get his certificate in welding and in machinery.  I'm hearing that he's already at the top of his class in his skill level and he seems to be fine with the class being taught in Spanish.
While David is going to trade school, he is currently staying with our friends Hector and Maribel during the week.  The live about five blocks away from his school.  David comes on the weekends on the bus.  We're still working on getting him his license and a truck so that he can commute.  So, in the mean time he's catching the bus and looking for a part time job in Ensenada.

Tyler has started high school!  Mom is trying to keep up her youngest in his Math and Science skills.  He definitely keeps me hopping.  Tyler continues to be an incredible and much appreciated help to me personally, in ministering to the groups that visit the orphanage, to the kiddos on the patio of DOFO and in Ensenada as we go twice a month to dispense groceries.

"So where next?"  you might ask.  Yes, we sold our house.  Yes we have two generous friends helping us store our keepsakes for the time being.  "Where next?" Eventually, we will more than likely live in Ensenada closer to the colonia of people we're reaching out to.  For now, we continue to stay serving at Door of Faith Orphanage.  We're waiting on the LORD for the timing of an eventual move from here, but for now we are very content to serve the LORD here.  This has become our family of.....100+ family members.