About Us

In April 2013, I arrived in Milwaukie, Oregon after spending 3.5 years on the mission field in Northern Baja Mexico. Soon I discovered God's purpose in bringing me to Oregon...the homeless community.

Monday, March 15, 2010

6 months

In 3 days it will mark the 6 month mark for our family being here in La Mision, Mexico serving at Door of Faith Orphanage. I have learned so much in 6 months. Some things that I've learned are too difficult for me to find the words, but it has all been good.

I feel a little bit like Paul in Philippians when he talks about being content in everything, but perhaps the verse that best describes me right now is "And this same God who takes care of me will supply all your needs from His glorious riches, which have been given to us in Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:19 Because God has taken such great care of me I am confident that He will take care of my friends, family in the states as well as my new friends and family in Mexico.

I have learned and experienced things that I really didn't think were going to be a part of my adventure down here. For instance, I've learned that it is possible to hear the voice of the Holy Spirit speak to my heart even though I am surrounded with people praying or speaking in Spanish.

I've also learned how important it is to encourage missionaries. I have been amazed how far a simply word of encouragement goes here. Missionaries need to know that they're being prayed for, held accountable, and called every now and then. (Or at least emailed.) Some serve without support from others. Others serve with all they have until it runs out. Some serve even though great difficulty is going on back home.

I think of all the missionaries here, I am one of the most supported. I know that people "have my back" in prayer. All that support allows me to encourage others.

Last but not least, I've learned that unless you have a strong walk with Jesus, love His Word and His Church, you will not last very long in a foreign land. You need the fellowship of others and fellowship with Jesus. You need to humble yourself everyday and remember that you came to serve and not be served.