About Us

In April 2013, I arrived in Milwaukie, Oregon after spending 3.5 years on the mission field in Northern Baja Mexico. Soon I discovered God's purpose in bringing me to Oregon...the homeless community.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

The Next Step in the Schmidt Family Adventure

I have some news to share with you concerning the LORD's plan for me and my two sons.  As most of you know, we have been living at Door of Faith Orphanage in La Mision, BC Mexico.  I have to say it's been one of the best experiences of my life.  It's been an opportunity of living out what I've always said I believed.  It's also been a great experience for my sons to learn and see first hand what it means to living a simple life of service and experiencing the fulfillment of knowing that their lives are making a difference in the lives of others.

For many months, I have felt prompted to pray for what the LORD would ask of us next.  It's been made abundantly clear to me that we're remaining in Mexico still for quite a while.  There's still plenty of work that God has for us to do.  

I don't know all the reasons why, but I have felt that God has lead me and my sons to rent a home in La Mision near the orphanage.  We will live very close to the orphanage and still very involved in serving there.  I will continue to work with Lynette on celebrating birthdays and corresponding with sponsors of our kids.  I still will be helping with running errands and picking up supplies for the orphanage.

I will also continue to work in Ensenada with Dios Me Ve Ministries.  We will continue to show the love of God to the poor in the colony Ochenta Nueve through bimonthly groceries, events for the children and classes for the adults.

So, "why the change in residence?" you might ask.  I am not absolutely sure.  Practically speaking I can see how it might enable me to be a little more flexible in schedule, or a little larger to store the things that God sends to the people in Ensenada.  I know that I would like to have a vegetable garden to help with the food for Ensenada as well.  I also have thoughts of how I may be able to help some of our kids at the orphanage that have special learning needs and...  I also realize that God's ways are higher than mine.  I can make plans, but it's the LORD's plans that will prevail.  I am confident that God knows why I am to move, so I've put my trust is in Him. 

Please continue to pray for us.  We love serving here in Mexico and plan on staying until the LORD tells us otherwise.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Visit with Mom

Recently I had the privilege of having a quick visit with my Mom.  The older I get the more I see her influence in my life.  At the age of 82 she still brings the "elderly" to church, visits those in the need and hosts a Bible study.  I can call on her for prayer any time.  She even collects designated items for Door of Faith Orphanage, in La Mision Mexico and needed items for Dios Me Ve Ministries in Ensenada.  

I really have been blessed.  I have experienced the joy of serving most of my life because of my parents daily modeling that it's better to give than receive. It's funny when she talks about me slowing down or taking a break.  It's foreign to me because she didn't model much of that.  I've mostly seen her give, serve, pray and testify all my life of the goodness and blessings of God.  As far as I'm concerned, my mother has been part of an early reward of me trying to follow in her footsteps.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Changing Blogs

It's come to my attention that what used to be my "family blog" is looking more like a "Dios Me Ve" blog.  So, to eliminate confusion, there are now two different blogs.  This blog will return to being about my experience and thoughts while living in Mexico.

Some of you are aware that I live with my two sons at Door of Faith Orphanage.  For the past year and a half, I've been involved in a new off-site ministry in Ensenada called Dios Me Ve.  To stay updated on that ministry, please go to diosmeve.blogspot.com .  There you will see what I'm up to when I'm not in La Mision, at Door of Faith.

Recently, I've been doing my own personal study on what the Bible says about the poor, the fatherless, and the widow.  I'm trying to get to God's perspective alone.  I must admit, I've seen many "people's" perspective on "how" we should help them, "when" we should help, for "how long" we should help the poor, and even "why" we are poor.

I've also noticed that I hear when things are going "wrong" for a believer that it's because they "must being doing something right."  They say "I'm under attack because I'm making the enemy mad."  Although I think that this can be true, I don't think it's mostly true.  It's not anymore true than the opposite belief that someone is suffering or having a bad time because they've down something "wrong" or "sinned."

I've seen this applied with the status of being poor.  Although it is true that you can be poor because of laziness, drunkenness, haste  and greed, etc;  it's not always the case.  Sometimes someone is poor because of being exploited by the rich....and 1 Samuel 2:7 says "The LORD sends poverty and wealth; he humbles and exalts."  Still seems like God has the last word on who's poor and who's wealthy.

The other side of that assumption would lead to the conclusion that people are wealthy because they are "doing things right."  Although, I agree this can be the case, it is not always the case.  Again, in the end, God decides who are wealthy as well.

I am sure of this.  It is not right to assume why someone is poor.  Since I've been in Mexico, I've seen believers that you and I would consider poor.  They love God with all their heart.  They're content.  They choose to live simply and are also "poor in spirit" depending on God to supply their every need.  They don't share the gospel from the prospective of material gain.  They realize that this world is not their home and look forward to the return of their Savior Jesus and to their new home in heaven.

I'm also sure of this.  It's not right to assume why someone is wealthy.  Yes, it can be because they are "doing things right", but not necessarily.  Sometimes it is ill-gotten gain from preying on the emotions of others.

Personally, I wonder if it's a test to how we will respond to God and others.  Do I follow Christ faithfully, even in the midst of poverty?  Can I be content when my fellow Christian seems to have more than they know what to do with?  Do I hold on to the little that I have in fear that God won't take care of my needs?  Do I still trust in God in the midst of my prosperity?  Do I trust in my blessings or horde them for the day when I "run out", or a "rainy day"?  Do I snub other fellow Christians that have little because of the assumptions that I've made about their reasons for being poor?

May it be said of me like that of the apostle Paul.  "I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty.  I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want.  I can do all this through him who gives me strength."  Philippians 4:12,13

Monday, January 9, 2012

Another Fire in the Colony

On New Year's Eve, while were passing out Christmas presents at Dios Me Ve, I was introduced to Griselda.  I was asked to pray for her.  Her house had been intentionally burned down.  It seems that her husband, who struggles with substance abuse, was angry with her and set the house on fire.  When he set the fire, he didn't realize that his son Julian was in the house with his mother.  It was Julian that was able to convince his mother to get out of the house.  His mother, Griselda, thought that it was a trash fire close to the house and wasn't even aware it was her own house that was burning.  Julian convinced her just in time to get out.  Fortunately, no lives were lost in this fire.

Griselda and her four kids (Julian (11), Sarai (10), Ivan (18) and Irvin (21) were staying at a neighbors because they had lost everything.  When I prayed for Griselda,  I asked God to provide for her in such a way that she would know that it was the love of God at work and that only God would be thanked.  We gave her some food dispensas and I asked her for the sizes of everyone in her family after she made it clear that they had no food or clothing.

I went back home to Door of Faith and asked if they could help me out with some clothes.  They were happy to help out and were even able to give us a couple of mattresses to help out Griselda's family.  

I returned with Maribel the next day with two mattresses and bags of clothes.  I wish I would have taken pictures to show you the hike to get to their property.  It's not that it was far, but it was very steep and quite comical to watch us climb the hill with bags of clothes.  When we arrived we found the daughter, Sarai very excited to see us.  Griselda was happy too.  Much to our surprise the neighbors had given up small scraps of wood for them to try and assemble some kind of shelter.  Julian was at the top of their very temporary home, nailing a blue tarp over the top where they had no wood for a roof.

When I saw where they were going to be sleeping that night, I could only think about how cold it had already become in the late afternoon.  Being New Year's Eve, most of the stores were closed.  We were able to find a Calimax grocery store and bought some blankets to take back to them.

You might be thinking at this point that the need is overwhelming.  It is, but.....we have God who owns everything, who has children that He talks to about helping others.  I haven't even got to the other immediate need I'd like help with.  Uniforms for Julian and Sarai are needed to attend school.  Not only that, but it would be a great way to help these two kids get their minds focused back on their education.  

My concern is that the kids will drop out of school to help bring in income.  Uniforms cost a little over $100 per kid.  They are required for school.  Although it's possible the school might look the other way for a time and let the kids attend school, I'm sure that uniforms would help them move forward instead of constantly being reminded of their loss each day they attend school .

So, would you like to contribute towards uniforms for Julian and Sarai?  If this is something you'd like to help with, you can send your check to me here at the orphanage PO Box 6434, Chula Vista, CA 91909, but make the check out to VIDA OUTREACH and write in the memo "uniforms."

You might wonder why I'm asking you to write your checks out to VIDA OUTREACH.  VIDA OUTREACH is a non-profit that helps various ministries like Dios Me Ve that don't have a non-profit status.  They have been such a blessing to us at Dios Me Ve.  VIDA OUTREACH will give you tax credit and 100% of what you send them comes to me at Dios Me Ve.  If you can send the dollars, I'm more than glad to purchase the uniforms for these precious kids.